Highlights from the DVD of the February 9, 2014 PYCO Concert
Ingomar Church
Video Clips from the PYCO February 9, 2014 Concert DVD - Ingomar Church

Thank you for supporting PYCO by purchasing a DVD of this concert!

DVD: $20 for pick up - $23 for mailing

To order a DVD send an email to info@pyco.org with the quantity and the name of the DVD you are ordering, along with your name, mailing address and phone number.
Make checks payable to PYCO and mail it to 10203 Country Manor Lane, Wexford, PA 15090.

For your convenience you can also pay online with your credit card by clicking the DONATE button below.

When using the DONATE button, please make sure to include your name, mailing address and phone number, as well as the quantity and name of the DVD you are ordering.

Thank you for supporting PYCO!


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The Pittsburgh Youth Chamber Orchestra is a non-profit organization.